Rashtriya Rajput Karni Sena, Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi was shot dead in his Jaipur residence on December 5, 2023. The assailants from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang entered the house and opened fire, injuring Gogamedi’s security personnel and killing their aide, Shekhawat. Enraged by the incident, the family members and the Rajput organisation has called for a…
Cricket stirs a lot of emotions among it’s fans. It has become a symbol of patriotism for us Indians specially after India won it’s first cricket world cup in 1983. 1983 world cup established India as a new superpower in the world of cricket. Kapil Dev with his fellow team members made history by defeating…
Despite of the remarkable Ashes series, the former captains of Australia as well as England Rickg Ponting and Naseer Hussain feelthat this doesnt solve all the problems and these countries i.e Australia, England and India need to do more for the test cricket in all over world. Naseer Hussain said that these top three have…
This movie is a perfect blend of bollywood’s masala as well as a Karan Johar’s heart warming film as it is always. With this movie Karan Johar is back and his love stories are back on the cinema too. In the first half of the movie it is a perfect mixture of rom-com as well…
Delhi University will be releasing its first sear allocation list today. Students who have applied for DU in their CUET UG can check their allocated college in the list at the official website of the college i.e du.ac.in For the same all the candidates should know that this Delhi University will not make this list public….